
Registration is Now Open!

Register Now for the Great Highland Surge (Adhartas Mór nan Gàidheil)!

The moment you’ve been eagerly anticipating is finally here—the gates to The Great Highland Surge competition are now open! Don’t miss your chance to be part of this thrilling event. Register today by clicking the link below, where you can complete the registration form and submit your payment. Playing Requirements can also be found in the registration form. Have any questions? Reach out to the ACPBA PR Rep via Messenger or email at Let the excitement begin!

Registration Link: Registration - The Great Highland Surge - ACPBA

Competition Information and Rules

The Great Highland Surge is a series of solo piping and drumming competitions held by the Atlantic Canadian Pipe Band Association. It offers solo competition events, mixing an informal space for young players to gain experience before the start of the official competition season, with exposure to high caliber performances by some of the best players in the world. Competitors register in one of four divisions: Professional, A, B, and C.

Other Info

  • Entry fee for competitors: $15 per event (paid during registration)

  • Admission fee for spectators is by optional donation (cash only) at the door.

  • Dates & Location: April 5 - Shearwater , May 10 - Moncton, May 31 - Shearwater

  • Shearwater Location: 12 Wing Shearwater Combined mess, Click for Address

  • Moncton Location: Moncton Masonic Temple, Click for Address


  • The contest has four divisions. Competitors should enter in the proper category for their abilities.

  • Interested competitors must register no later than 2 days prior to the event (end of day Thursday).

  • All competitors must check-in with the event staff within a half hour of the event start-time (ex: event starts at 5pm, must check in at or before 4:30pm.)

  • The professional division includes solo players eligible to compete at that level with the ACPBA or an affiliated association.

  • Division A includes solo players eligible for grades 1 or 2.

  • Division B includes solo players eligible for grades 3 or 4.

  • Division C includes solo players eligible for grade 5.

  • Players must enter online if they wish to compete. Order of play will be posted on the ACPBA FB page with a copy sent to competitors’ email addresses.

  • Competitors must wear appropriate highland attire unless approved for an exception.

  • All persons attending the 12 Wing Shearwater Combined mess must abide by mess rules.

  • Drummers are able to use appropriate recordings rather than a live piper. A sound system will be provided with an auxiliary cord and lightning adaptor. Drummers wishing to play to a recording are responsible for ensuring the recording will work and must request a sound check prior to the start of the event.

Atlantic Canada...Are you Ready?

The ACPBA presents The Great Highland Surge (Adhartas Mór nan Gàidheil)!

The ACPBA is pleased to announce our upcoming knockout competition this year for the Atlantic Canadian Region and you won't want to miss out on this one! Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, this is your chance to showcase your skills and have fun!

Competition Details

Dates, Locations, Cost

  • What: The Great Highland Surge (Adhartas Mór nan Gàidheil) is a solo competition series serving the Atlantic Canadian Region.

  • Save the Dates: April 5, May 10, May 31

  • Location: April 5 - Shearwater , May 10 - Moncton, May 31 - Shearwater

  • Cost: Competitors - $15 per event, Non-competitors - cash donation

  • Registration: Coming soon!

Event Divisions

The competition will feature bagpipes, snare, tenor, and bass, organized into the following event divisions:

  • Professional

  • A Division - Grades 1 & 2

  • B Division - Grades 3 & 4

  • C Division - Grade 5

Keep an eye out for more details coming your way in the next few weeks!

2024 AGM Sunday Nov 3rd @ 9AM

Agenda [HERE]

Zoom Details:

Topic: 2024 AGM

Time: Nov 3, 2024 09:00 AM Atlantic Time (Canada)

 Join Zoom Meeting

 Meeting ID: 842 8035 5298

Passcode: 9hkxfU

Financial Statement [HERE]

Communications Report [HERE]

Chief Steward Report [HERE]

Games Liaison [HERE]


NB South [HERE]

NS North [HERE]


Reports from Games

Piobaireachd Challenge [HERE]

Moncton Highland Games [HERE]

Antigonish Highland Games [HERE]

NB Highland Games [HERE]

2024 Champion Supreme

Congratulations to all who competed over the summer, particularly those that made the Champion Supreme list. (HERE)

Looking forward to see you all at our awards night on November 2nd at the Gaelic College, Cape Breton.



Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2024

Sunday, November 3rd time TBA

Location: Colaisde na Gàidhlig | The Gaelic College

51779 Cabot Trail,
St. Ann's, Nova Scotia

There will be a zoom option and the link will be available 24 hours prior

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association will be held in person on Sunday, November 3rd, 2024, tba, Colaisde na Gàidhlig | The Gaelic College, 51779 Cabot Trail, St Ann’s, Nova Scotia

As per clause 4:06, Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association Constitution: Notice of any motion will be submitted to the Executive, in writing, 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.  

 Members of the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association are eligible to vote on Association business. 

As per the Constitution: Clause, 2.1.8. 

2.1.8. Categories of membership Any individual or group playing highland music on the pipes and/or drums in Atlantic Canada are eligible to be full members of the Association. At Association meetings, individual members are entitled to one (1) vote while bands are entitled to a maximum of two (2) votes. Individuals who are members through band affiliation are encouraged to attend and participate in Association meetings but they may not vote unless they are exercising one (1) of the bands two (2) votes. Any piper, drummer, pipe band or non-playing individual from outside the Atlantic Provinces may become an associate member of the Association. These associate members are welcome to participate in Association meetings with the understanding that they are not eligible to vote. Individual residents of Atlantic Canada who do not play pipes or drums may be full members of the Association. As such, each individual member is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings. Families in Atlantic Canada may take out a family membership. While all family members are welcome to participate in association meetings, each family shall be restricted to one (1) vote. Corporations and businesses in Atlantic Canada may take out a corporate membership in the Association. Corporate members are welcome to participate in Association meetings but are not eligible to vote or to hold office on the executive. All Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Executive members must be paid members of the ACBPA.  Each Executive member is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings. All ACPBA judges must be paid members of the ACPBA. Each judge is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings.

Please note the categories of membership and the entitlements to vote at Association meetings.

Your membership gives you the power to participate in these meetings, vote on motions, vote in Executive members and raise your concerns on issues or situations that arise regarding the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association. 

The AGM meeting is not just for Executive members. Your participation is necessary for the success of your association.

The Annual General Meeting is open to all members including band members, individual and family members, sponsors and associates.

Your participation at the AGM, your voice and vote is required for the success of your association.

 Thank you.

ACPBA Executive

Are you interested in being the President of the ACPBA

Dan Knee’s 2 year term as President of the Association is up at the AGM on November 2nd and he will not be reoffering.

If you would like know more about this position or put your name forth, please contact him at

Also available is Communications (website)

Constitution Committee

The ACPBA Executive is looking for a couple of volunteers who may be interested in joining a commitee to help rewrite our constitution. The constitution has had a few revisions in the last few of years, however the last big change was in 1996, so well over due.

If interested, please contact Dan Knee at

2023 ACPBA Champion Supreme

Congratulations to all those who competed over the last summer.

Here is the list of our Champion Supreme winners. You are invited to the AGM on Nov 4, after the meeting to accept your award and play a tune or two.



ACPBA executive positions available for 2023/2024:

President - Vacant

Vice President - vacant

Chief Steward - vacant

Treasurer - vacant

Secretary - vacant

Communications - Christina Re-offering

Regional Representatives:

New Brunswick North Representative - Vacant

Cape Breton Representative - Trevor Kellock is re-offering

NS North Regional Representative - Ray Halliday is re-offering

PEI Regional Representative - James MacHattie

If interested in any of these positions, please contact Shelena @

Annual General Meeting


Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2023

Saturday, November 4th time 1:30

Location: Douglas Street Recreation Centre

40 Douglas Street, Truro, NS

There will be a zoom option and the link will be available 24 hours prior

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association will be held in person on Saturday, November 4th, 2023, 1:30pm, Douglas Street Recreation Centre, 40 Douglas Street, Truro, NS

As per clause 4:06, Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association Constitution: Notice of any motion will be submitted to the Executive, in writing, 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.  

 Members of the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association are eligible to vote on Association business. 

As per the Constitution: Clause, 2.1.8. 

2.1.8. Categories of membership Any individual or group playing highland music on the pipes and/or drums in Atlantic Canada are eligible to be full members of the Association. At Association meetings, individual members are entitled to one (1) vote while bands are entitled to a maximum of two (2) votes. Individuals who are members through band affiliation are encouraged to attend and participate in Association meetings but they may not vote unless they are exercising one (1) of the bands two (2) votes. Any piper, drummer, pipe band or non-playing individual from outside the Atlantic Provinces may become an associate member of the Association. These associate members are welcome to participate in Association meetings with the understanding that they are not eligible to vote. Individual residents of Atlantic Canada who do not play pipes or drums may be full members of the Association. As such, each individual member is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings. Families in Atlantic Canada may take out a family membership. While all family members are welcome to participate in association meetings, each family shall be restricted to one (1) vote. Corporations and businesses in Atlantic Canada may take out a corporate membership in the Association. Corporate members are welcome to participate in Association meetings but are not eligible to vote or to hold office on the executive. All Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Executive members must be paid members of the ACBPA.  Each Executive member is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings. All ACPBA judges must be paid members of the ACPBA. Each judge is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings.

Please note the categories of membership and the entitlements to vote at Association meetings.

Your membership gives you the power to participate in these meetings, vote on motions, vote in Executive members and raise your concerns on issues or situations that arise regarding the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association. 

The AGM meeting is not just for Executive members. Your participation is necessary for the success of your association.

The Annual General Meeting is open to all members including band members, individual and family members, sponsors and associates.

Your participation at the AGM, your voice and vote is required for the success of your association.

 Thank you.

ACPBA Executive

Summer Job

The Halifax Citadel is looking for musicians for the upcoming summer.

Attached is the job description [Here].

And more info [Here]

2022 AGM

Attached are the minutes from the 2022 AGM

2022 ACPBA AGM Minutes {link}

2022 ACPBA Area Representative Reports {link}

2022 ACPBA Membership Report {link}

2022 ACPBA Year End Financial Report {link}

ACPBA Executive positions available for 2022/2023

ACPBA executive positions available for 2021/2022:

President - Dan Knee is re-offering

Chief Steward - Vacant

Treasurer - Vacant

Secretary - Shelena Marsh is re-offering

Games Liaison - Kylie MacHattie is re-offering

Regional Representatives:

Newfoundland Representative - Matt Clark is re-offering

New Brunswick South Representative - Vacant

Metro and Valley Regional Representative - Larry Amirault

If interested in any of these positions, please contact Shelena @

AGM 2022


Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association

Notice of Annual General Meeting 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022 @ 1330 (1:30pm)

Location: Agricultural College, 20 Horseshoe Cres, Truro

Riverview Room & Jenkins Lounge

There will be a zoom option and the link will be sent out 24 hours prior to membership by email. 

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association will be held in person on Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 1330 (1:30pm).  Agricultural College, 20 Horseshoe Cres, Truro, Riverview Room & Jenkins Lounge

As per clause 4:06, Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association Constitution: Notice of any motion will be submitted to the Executive, in writing, 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.  

 Members of the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association are eligible to vote on Association business. 

As per the Constitution: Clause, 2.1.8. 

2.1.8. Categories of membership Any individual or group playing highland music on the pipes and/or drums in Atlantic Canada are eligible to be full members of the Association. At Association meetings, individual members are entitled to one (1) vote while bands are entitled to a maximum of two (2) votes. Individuals who are members through band affiliation are encouraged to attend and participate in Association meetings but they may not vote unless they are exercising one (1) of the bands two (2) votes. Any piper, drummer, pipe band or non-playing individual from outside the Atlantic Provinces may become an associate member of the Association. These associate members are welcome to participate in Association meetings with the understanding that they are not eligible to vote. Individual residents of Atlantic Canada who do not play pipes or drums may be full members of the Association. As such, each individual member is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings. Families in Atlantic Canada may take out a family membership. While all family members are welcome to participate in association meetings, each family shall be restricted to one (1) vote. Corporations and businesses in Atlantic Canada may take out a corporate membership in the Association. Corporate members are welcome to participate in Association meetings but are not eligible to vote or to hold office on the executive. All Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Executive members must be paid members of the ACBPA.  Each Executive member is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings. All ACPBA judges must be paid members of the ACPBA. Each judge is entitled to one (1) vote at Association meetings.

Please note the categories of membership and the entitlements to vote at Association meetings.

Your membership gives you the power to participate in these meetings, vote on motions, vote in Executive members and raise your concerns on issues or situations that arise regarding the Atlantic Canada Pipe Band Association. 

The AGM meeting is not just for Executive members. Your participation is necessary for the success of your association.

The Annual General Meeting is open to all members including band members, individual and family members, sponsors and associates.

Your participation at the AGM, your voice and vote is required for the success of your association.

 Thank you.

ACPBA Executive